You’ve heard the phrase “Can’t see the forest for the trees.” That phrase was coined to illustrate that we can sometimes focus so intently on individual aspects of a topic and completely miss the bigger picture. At Winter-Dent, we have recognized that it happens in insurance every day. So many agencies focus on the “trees” - their individual areas of specialty - that it leaves crucial aspects of a business's big-picture life-cycle ignored. This causes gaps in coverage, inadequate coverage, unnecessarily expensive coverage, and more. We developed our proprietary 4sight™ Risk Optimization process as a way to provide the comprehensive solutions businesses needed but didn’t realize they could have. With 4sight™, they can.
What is 4sight™?
4sight™ risk optimization empowers you to reduce your Total Cost of Risk. Empowerment begins with a focused analysis of risk through the four 4sight™ lenses. The 4sight™ lenses are designed to analyze risks that make up your Business Risk Profile. Insurance carriers evaluate your Business Risk Profile against your competition to allocate limited coverage capacity to the more favorable risk.
4sight™is the name given to Winter-Dent’s proprietary process of assessing a company from 5 distinct vantage points and providing a Business Risk Profile that meets its specific needs - no more and no less. It grows and changes along with the business and ensures the right solutions are provided at the right time. The Business Risk Profile provides a process for making needed changes in specific areas with the purpose of reducing your Total Cost of Risk. In short, it is giving you control over something you didn’t think you had control over.
What if you could improve your Business Risk Profile, reduce your Total Cost of Risk and give your business a competitive advantage?
4sight™ can make “what if” a reality.
How 4sight™ Came About
4sight™ begins with the Human Element of Risk. Human beings are the heart of any business. That’s why our core value statement at Winter-Dent is Humans Helping Humans. We believe that optimizing risk is about protecting people and providing a way for them to live and work in confidence. 4sight™ evolved from the need to help business owners like you control insurance costs and ensure business continuity so that workers could count on their jobs to be there for them.
Basically, 4sight™ gives you back control and opens up your ability to influence outcomes. The 4sight™ analysis identifies business aspects that contribute to your Total Cost of Risk. By understanding these contributors, you can focus resources on areas needing improvement.
What are the 4sight™ lenses?
The 4sight™ lenses are designed to bring into focus all the areas where you and your business are exposed to risk. In a 4sight business profile analysis, we look at your business from 4 key perspectives:
1. The financial lens
2. The physical lens
3. The digital lens
4. The compliance lens
With humans as the foundation, each lens must be clean, clear, and in focus. Then, as your business conditions change, the 4sight™ lenses refocus ensuring risk optimization strategies adapt.
Risk Optimization: A Fresh Look at Business Risk
4sight™ risk optimization is a continual process that ensures your risk exposures never exceed your risk tolerances. Your business risk tolerances may change over time. Effective risk optimization can reduce your Total Cost of Risk even as revenues grow, and risk exposures change!
Clients tell us that the 4sight™ process is a breath of fresh air. It is a completely new way of looking at, analyzing, understanding, and protecting a business!
Curious to learn more? Contact us to find out if 4sight™can help your business.
You won’t be disappointed.